Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center & Hospital in Utah

Highland Ridge Hospital, in Salt Lake City, UT, helps adolescents, adults, and seniors who are struggling with alcohol addiction through an unmatched quality of care and support. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, Highland Ridge is a leading provider of mental health & alcohol addiction treatment.

Learn About Alcohol Addiction

Learn more about alcohol abuse treatment at our Hospital in Salt Lake City

It can be really hard to determine when you’ve crossed the line from moderate drinking to alcohol use disorders or alcoholism. Alcoholism is a broad term for an addictive disease that entails compulsive, uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages to the detriment of a person’s health, interpersonal relationships, occupational functioning, and social standing. If you have problem drinking, you’ve probably seen your personal relationships spiral downward as you have less and less in common with friends who do not drink. You may have trouble holding a job down as your drinking interferes with occupational functioning. You may realize that if you don’t drink, you start to go through withdrawal symptoms and therefore keep drinking to keep these feelings at bay. If you’re struggling with alcoholism and do not seek care at a treatment center of hospital, you may feel trapped in a vicious cycle of drinking, unable to stop drinking even though it’s causing problems in your personal life.

At Highland Ridge Hospital, located in Salt Lake City, we’ve had over 25 years of experience helping men and women just like you successfully overcome alcohol addiction at our treatment center and go on to lead happy, sober, and productive lives. Through our individualized, holistic alcohol detox and rehab, you’ll learn the skills you need to live the life you always wanted to have.

Helping a Loved One

Helping a loved one or family member get treatment for alcohol abuse

If your loved one is struggling with alcoholism, you’re probably very scared for them. You know that their addiction isn’t healthy and you don’t know how to help them get into a treatment program. Your emotions are probably all over the place – anger, guilt, shame, disgust, sorrow, and fear – and you aren’t sure if you should say anything or if you can even help. Here are some tips for gently guiding your loved one into treatment for alcoholism:

Learn about addiction: Addiction is considered a disease, much like diabetes or heart disease, that will need long-term lifestyle changes, medication management, and therapies. Attend a few A.A. meetings to get a sense of what living in recovery will be like for your loved one. The more you understand the root of addiction and the compulsion those who struggle with alcohol addiction experience, the greater your ability to guide them into compassionate care.

Self-care: It can be very hard to watch someone you love spiral downward into alcoholism. You may feel desperate and alone, terrified of what the future may hold. These are all normal feelings. Seek out a therapist and community support groups such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon, which are designed to help families of alcoholics recover.

Treatment options: Spend some time researching inpatient treatment centers and hospitals that treat both the physical and psychological manifestations of alcoholism. Try to find a treatment center or hospital that has been around a long time and has high success rates for alcoholism. Then set up an appointment with an intake specialist to help you answer the questions you may have.

Why Seek Inpatient Treatment

Why seek help for alcohol abuse

If you’re struggling with alcoholism, you know that continuing to drink isn’t good for you. You’re probably experiencing some of the adverse health effects of the alcohol and scared about the long-term damage it’s causing. You may be socially isolated, drinking alone, drinking in excess, and engaging in risky behaviors while drunk. Your loved ones may have expressed concern for you and tried to get you into treatment for alcoholism. You may be ready to kick the habit once and for all, but you may not know how.

An inpatient treatment center or hospital that offers both humane medical detox and addiction recovery services has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to help people struggling with addiction to alcohol or drugs recover. In an inpatient treatment center or hospital, you’ll be far away from the stresses of everyday life. which will allow you to focus upon the one thing that matters most – getting better. You’ll meet and work with others who have struggled with addiction and learn new ways to cope with cravings, develop life skills, and prevent relapse.

Our Philosophy

Our  philosophy & benefits of alcohol abuse treatment

At Highland Ridge Hospital, our 25 years of experience treating drug and alcohol addiction has given us the unique insight into what helps addicts and what does not. We’ll work alongside you while at our treatment center to create a plan of care for your stay with us that meets all of your needs – mind, body, and spirit. Our care is guided by four words: compassion, care, competence, and concern. We know how challenging recovery can be and we’re here to guide you through every step of your journey toward sobriety. At Highland Ridge Hospital, you’re home.

What We Offer

Alcohol abuse treatment options available at Highland Ridge Hospital

When you come to our treatment center for help recovering from alcohol addiction, you’ll first undergo a variety of evaluations to allow us to best meet your needs. Our medical evaluation will allow us to determine any complications that have been caused by your alcohol use, ascertain the level of physical addiction, and determine if there are other drugs in your system. The psychiatric evaluations will allow us to determine the existence of any co-occurring disorders and how psychologically addicted you are to alcohol. The results of these evaluations will allow us to gain a better picture of your needs and create a plan of care for your stay at Highland Ridge Hospital.

Detox is often the first step in treatment at Highland Ridge Hospital for people struggling with severe alcohol dependence. We’ll work with you to safely and effectively detox any drugs and alcohol out of your system while monitoring you around-the-clock for safety while you receive treatment at our center. We practice medical detox to ensure that you’ll be safe and comfortable as your body withdraws from alcohol.

Medication may be used at the beginning of your stay at Highland Ridge Hospital as an adjunct treatment for detox and may be tapered down as you learn more adaptive ways of coping. Other people at our treatment center may require more long-term medication therapy to help manage any co-occurring disorders. The usage of medication will be based upon the findings of the treatment team.

Individual therapy is provided for people in our inpatient program at Highland Ridge Hospital once a week and on an as-needed basis during your stay. You’ll meet with a therapist to discuss any challenges you’re facing, the emotions surrounding your recovery, and discuss ways of coping with your new-found sobriety.

Group therapy is the cornerstone for addiction recovery. In our inpatient program, you’ll attend a variety of groups that are designed to help you further your recovery from alcoholism. You’ll attend A.A. or N.A. groups along with process-based and psychoeducational groups while at our treatment center that will allow you greater insight into the disease of addiction.

Family therapy is very important for the recovery process as addiction impacts every member of the family. Family sessions will focus upon rebuilding broken bonds, allowing loved ones to express the ways in which your addiction has impacted their life, and education about addiction and recovery. We’ll also provide your loved ones with connections to community resources such as Al-Anon and Nar-Anon.

As a holistic treatment center, Highland Ridge Hospital is proud to offer a variety of experiential therapies to complement traditional therapeutic techniques. These include:

  • Art therapy
  • Pet therapy
  • Recreation therapy
  • Yoga
  • Music
  • Leisure time
  • Meditation
  • Craft time
  • Movie nights
  • Wii games
  • Gym & exercise time
  • Puzzles, cards, and board games

Continuing Care

Continuing care at Highland Ridge

As your time with us draws to a close, you’ll work closely with your treatment team to help create an aftercare plan for your continued recovery. Many of our clients join a PHP or IOP program as a way to step down from the structure of an inpatient program and slowly reintegrate back into the community. Others may feel they’ve made enough progress with us to discharge home with referrals to traditional outpatient therapy.

Our treatment center is in Salt Lake City and serves residents from all over Central and Northern Utah. Call one of our admissions counselors today for a free, confidential screening to see how Highland Ridge Hospital can help you regain a happy, healthy life.

Thank you for helping me realize that I can do it - I can get better. You got me where I am today.

– Molly J.