Signs, Effects & Symptoms of ADHD

Understanding the Signs of ADHD

Understanding the signs of ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that generally appears during early childhood and is characterized by behaviors that include inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Boys and girls with this disorder may have trouble paying attention, controlling their behaviors, and may be overly active. While it is normal for children to have trouble focusing or sitting still, the behaviors associated with ADHD cannot simply be outgrown. These symptoms continue into adolescence and cause significant interference in ability to function at school, home, or with friends. Today it is now recognized that the symptoms of ADHD can carry into adulthood and cause difficulties with daily functioning if not properly addressed in adolescence.

While there is no cure for ADHD, a combination of medication and behavior therapy can help children learn to successfully manage their symptoms. They can learn social skills that will help them to engage in more appropriate interactions with peers, improve school work, and behave better at home.


Statistics for ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very common behavioral disorder that affects about 5% to 8% of school-aged children, with as many as 60% of children (or 4% of adult population) of experiencing symptoms well into adulthood. ADHD affects boys three times as often, although the cause for this is not known. In a classroom of 30-35 students, it’s likely that at least two children will have ADHD.

Causes & Risk Factors

Causes & risk factors for ADHD

Research dedicated to ADHD has shown that it is a combination of risk factors working together that cause ADHD. The complex range of causes for ADHD includes:

Genetic: Research studies have made it clear that ADHD runs in families, which suggests that this disorder may have a genetic component. Children who have a first-degree relative who has ADHD, such as a parent or sibling, are at a far higher risk for developing the disorder themselves. Additionally, children with ADHD who carry a specific gene have thinner brain tissue in the area of the brain associated with attention.

Physical: More recent research has focused on the frontal lobes of the cerebrum, which allows us to solve problems, plan ahead, understand the behavior of others, and restrain our impulses. Those children with ADHD who were not treated had abnormally small white matter in this area of the brain when compared to those without ADHD.

Environmental: There may be a link between ADHD and maternal smoking, since smoking can cause lack of oxygen in utero. Additionally, high levels of lead in the blood and postnatal injuries to the prefrontal areas of the brain have been found to contribute to the risk of developing this disorder.

Risk factors:

  • Being male
  • Nutrition and food
  • Premature birth
  • Maternal exposure to environmental poisons during pregnancy
  • Brain injury


Symptoms of ADHD

The classic image of a child who has ADHD is a child bouncing off the walls, out-of-control, disrupting everyone around him or her. This is not the only possible presentation of the disorder – some children may be very hyperactive, while others may be lost in their mind, miles away and daydreaming. It’s important for caregivers and parents to look at the bigger picture of symptoms so that ADHD is caught early and treated appropriately.

It can be hard to recognize when a child has ADHD rather than normal childhood daydreaming and forgetfulness. However, by age four or five, most children have learned to pay attention, sit quietly when asked, and not to blurt out things that pop into their head. By the time a child is school-aged, the primary symptoms of ADHD should stand out in children who have this disorder. ADHD is broken down into types of symptoms, which include:

Inattentive Symptoms of ADHD: It is not that children with ADHD can’t pay attention; it is just when the task is repetitive or boring that they quickly tune out. Some symptoms of inattention in your child may include:

  • Staying on track at school or during play
  • Poor organization of school work
  • Appears not to listen when spoken to
  • Becomes bored with a task before completion
  • Frequently loses or misplaces toys, school work, books, and other important items
  • Poor organization of time and planning ahead
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Easily distracted
  • Inattention to details
  • Makes careless mistakes

Hyperactivity Symptoms of ADHD: Hyperactivity tends to be the most obvious sign of ADHD. While some children are naturally active, those with ADHD are always moving. They tend to try to do several things at once and bounce from one thing to the next.

  • Always on the go
  • Quick temper with short fuse
  • Moves around all of the time, often running and climbing things that are inappropriate
  • Fidgets and squirms while trying to sit still
  • Talks a lot
  • Often leaves seat during situations in which sitting quietly is expected
  • Has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing

Impulsive Symptoms of ADHD: The impulsive symptoms of ADHD in children often lead to problems with self-control, self-censoring, and other behaviors. Children with ADHD censor themselves less than other children do and as a result may be viewed as disrespectful, weird, or needy.

  • Interrupts others
  • Intrudes on other people’s games or conversations
  • Guesses rather than trying to solve problems
  • Acts without thinking
  • Blurts out answers in class without raising hand and being called upon
  • Cannot wait patiently for his or her turn
  • Often says the wrong thing at the wrong time
  • Inability to contain emotions, leading to temper tantrums and angry outbursts


Effects ADHD can have

With effective medication and therapy, ADHD can be managed and a child can learn to live a successful and happy life despite their mental health condition. As many cases of ADHD persist long into adulthood, if it is left untreated, the long-term effects can lead to significant impairment in daily life. Effects of ADHD include:

  • Reduced school performance and academic attainment
  • Social rejection
  • Development of conduct disorder
  • More likely to be injured
  • Seen as lazy, irresponsible, or failing to cooperate
  • Negative family interactions
  • Peer rejection, teasing, or neglect

Co-Occurring Disorders

ADHD & co-occurring disorders

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very common behavioral disorder that affects about 5% to 8% of school-aged children, with as many as 60% of children (or 4% of adult population) of experiencing symptoms well into adulthood. ADHD affects boys three times as often, although the cause for this is not known. In a classroom of 30-35 students, it’s likely that at least two children will have ADHD.

My daughter and I are doing so well and having great dialogue. Thank you - sincerely.

– Ray C.